RDM package

The aim of the Relational Data Mining (RDM) package and tool is to make relational learning and inductive logic programming approaches publicly accessible. The tool offers a common and easy-to-use interface to several relational learning algorithms and provides data access to several relational database management systems.

The RDM ClowdFlows package is an external package: the Python-RDM package should be first installed with pip and then the RDM ClowdFlows package should be included in ClowdFlows.


  • python >= 2.6
  • mysql-connector-python (optionally, you can call the algorithms with their native input format)

Installing the Python-RDM package

Latest release from PyPI:

pip install python-rdm

Latest from GitHub:

pip install https://github.com/anzev/rdm/archive/master.zip

Dumping to Weka and Orange tables

The mysql-connector-python Python package is also required. If you installed everything in requirements.txt, you should already have it. Otherwise:

pip install mysql-connector-python

For dumping stuff to weka/orange data structures this is everything you need.

Yap with full database dumping

Find the yap binaries for your OS or compile from source from Yap downloads. Use the stable yap-6 version if possible.

Yap with mysql support

To use local ILP widgets, you’ll need yap prolog. To support ‘smarter’ dumping of data, where the db connection is forwarded to yap, you’ll also need to compile yap with flags for myddas. Otherwise, you’ll have to use the ‘dump full database’ flags on the corresponding widgets (Databse to RSD, Database to Aleph).

You’ll need the mysql dev package. On debian systems:

sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev

Compiling yap:

git clone git://yap.dcc.fc.up.pt/yap-6
cd yap-6
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --enable-tabling --enable-myddas

If everything went ok, run yap to see if myddas was successfully compiled with yap. Run:


you should see something like:

YAP 6.2.3 (x86_64-linux): Mon Apr  8 11:19:20 CEST 2013
MYDDAS version MYDDAS-0.9.1


make install

Prerequisites of specific ILP/RDM algorithms

Depending on what algorithms you wish to use, these are their dependencies.

  • Yap prolog (preferably compiled with --tabling enabled for speedups)

There are sources as well as binaries for Windows and OS X available here.

On Debian-based systems you can simply install it as:

apt install yap
  • Java

These approaches depend on one original C program which must be compiled. The sources are included with python-rdm in rdm/wrappers/tertius/src/.